Friday, January 29, 2016

My dearest crafty family,
So sorry about the long absence.....My computer found a nasty, nasty virus.
   I worked for several days as I didn't want to admit to DH that I downloaded (by accident) a program and it had a little surprise piggybacking on it.  I finally went to my DH (2 months later) and asked if he could fix my computer.  He worked on it for an entire day.  And a few hours the next to make sure that my computer was clean.  I know that DH is one of the best IT fixers (that's his day job in the military!) and this virus was super stubborn.  And then my laptop was clue ;-)...THEN.....
My hard drive blew and it took me a long time to get a new one.  Then my beloved hubby found me one.  That hard drive lasted an hour.  I was devastated.  How is it possible that I ruined 2 hard drives???  Well, finally with a little digging in the hubby found an old one that was forgotten.  Well, it wasn't as great as the one that I had but I am past being picky!!  Thank you for hanging in there with me with your support.  I appreciate you!!  Blessings to you and the loved ones!~~J